You sure had a lot of tips this month on Tip The Hottie! How did you get so many tips? Do you have any methods for getting lots of tips while at work? What can customers do to get the best possible service from you?
I believe the reason that my tips were so high was due to the fact that I advertise your site on my myspace and my regulars, along with new patrons to my bars, go to the site and vote for me. My main method for getting tips at work is to just pay attention to the customer. Anticipate what they want and be ready to get them a refill when they are getting low. Its all in the service, and of course the smile! For customers to get the best service from any bartender would to be polite. Don't be obnoxious or pushy or just plain mean, have courtesy and manners!
How does what you wear to work affect your day, especially with regards to the amount of tips you get?
The wardrobe of a bartender definetly helps the tips along. But probably not like most people would think. As long as you are dressed sexy you get good tips. Now sexy doesn't have to be revealing at all, you can dress classy and be covered and still be sexy. You just need to know how to work your look.
Describe your favorite vacation spot. If you could go there with ANY hottie in the world, who would it be and why, and what would you do together?
Wow, my favorite vacation spot would have to be somewhere warm with a beach and water and tons of things to do! I'm a very active person, although some nice cuddle time is always welcome! Any hottie in the world, huh? Thats a difficult one. I do have
someone in mind that I can't really name but we get along extremely well and enjoy each other's company very much. We can do just about anything and still have a great time doing it because thats just how we are together!
Good music at the bar is very important! What is your all time favorite band/musician, and what is their best song?
Now this is probably one of the most difficult questions for me. I love music and have a large range of what I listen to. Anywhere from Five Finger Death Punch, to Kanye West, to Social Distortion and Dropkick Murphy's.
Tell us about your most incredible concert experience.
Yet again another hard question. lol. I used to work for a concert venue and now have quite a few friends in the music industry. I think one of my most memorable experiences was when I got a call from a friend of mine who gave me all access backstage passes to Ozzfest and I spent the day with some of my friends in the bands.
Tip The Hottie loves hot waitresses! What do you do to stay so hot?
Really I don't do much. lol. Yes I am one of those people who eats whatever she wants due to a high metabolism. However, I do still go to the gym every once in a while and I stay active. I love outdoor activities and dancing, and riding the bull at the bar tends to keep you toned up pretty well.