Tip The Hottie would like to congratulate our Hottie of the Month for September, Heather from Lakepointe Yacht Club in Livonia, MI.
So Heather, you received a lot of tips this month, what is the best way for Hotties to get the most tips at work? on Tip the Hottie?Good personality & always looking sexy & flirt flirt flirt
Not all tippers are as nice as ours. What was your most rude customer like and what did that person do? What do you do to turn a negative situation into a positive one?I have a no bullshit tolerance. If your rude i will go out of my way to make your experience @ my bar better.. but if you are just rotten & there is no hope i will have to kick your ass out & make room for a happy person who is not miserable with life =)
Out on the roads, Tip the Hottie has noticed that there aren't many things sexier than a Hottie driving a hot car. What kind of car do you drive, Heather? Why does a sexy car like that make a Hottie like you seem even hotter?04 Mustang Convertible GT. Whats not attractive about a hot ass girl in a hot car;)
We all know that accidents happen, even to Hotties. Tell us about your biggest catastrophe at work, so far. If you've never spilled anything on anyones lap, tell us your secret for keeping customers safe.I did spill a boomba of beer into this guys lap. I was embarassed but i knew him pretty well & he was cool about the whole thing so its now an ongoing joke.
Heather, you have gorgeous hair- you must have a great stylist. Everybody has a bad hair day, though. Tell your fans about your absolute worst hair salon experience.A couple years ago i was getting color put on my hair @ a very busy salon. The girl that was helping & washing the color out was new & instead of washing the color out of my hair she washed another clients hair. Needless to say color was on my hair too long & dried it out really badly.
A Hottie's gotta have fun too! What would your perfect night out be like?Maybe going for sushi & have a couple cocktails.