Congratulations for winning Hottie of the Month for August 08! How can other Hotties get more virtual tips?
Tell more people about the website and be hotter!!!
You are obviously a very attractive girl, what do you do to stay in shape and keep up your Hottie status?
I try to go to the gym as often as possible staying in shape is very important to me!
What was your biggest Tip ever while working? How much does your attitude that day affect your tips?
The biggest tip I have ever recieved is probably only about $200.. But it's all about attitude if you maintain a positive attitude it will definately reflect in your tips.
Describe what your best day at work would be like. What was the worst day and what happened?
The best day at work would be with fun girls and a short day with a lot of generous tippers! My worst day at work would be a day in which I was hungover and make very little money.. unfortunatly that happens often... hahaha!
What is the most common pick-up line used on you at work? The cheesiest?
The most common would be something along the lines of, "I lost my number can I have yours"...the cheeziest if that isn't cheezie enough nevermind that is pretty cheezie!
Have you ever dated a customer? How did that work out?
Entirely tooooooo many times... probably half the guys i have dated i have met at my work. So far nothing has worked out but I have a lot of good memories with them and I am still friends with all of them!
Have you ever seen a Hot celebrity while working? Who do you think is the Hottest guy on the planet? Girl? What makes a person a Hottie?
John Cena came in not to long ago and he is definately hot! David Beckham to me is the hottest guy and Kendra Wilkinson is the hottest girl...they both have great bodies and seem like people I would love to hang out with!
All Hotties need a day off! Describe your perfect day off of work.
Sleeping in...shopping with someone elses credit card then finishing the night off with great friends and a hot guy at a great bar with free drinks!